Document 2045 DOCN M94A2045 TI The expression phases in occupational therapy. DT 9412 AU Moreira C; Belucci S; Centro Corsini, S.P., Brazil. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):393 (abstract no. PD0180). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370530 AB OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the occupational therapeutic process by through activities performed by AIDS seropositive patients, relating them to their individual evolution process on the disease. METHODS: Ambulatorial therapeutic attendance of seropositive patients, classified by age, sex, exposition category, CDC classification; monthly, biweekly and weekly periods, from 1988 to 1993. The activities were chosen by the patients, with some guidance on material selection. Five phases were defined as patient behavior, called expression phases (crisis, reorganization, revolt, hope and death). Analysis and evaluation of their expressive process through the activities types. RESULTS: 172 patients were attended, on 1491 sessions. Age from 04 to 60 years old, both sex. Exposition category: blood and sexual. CDC classification: II, III, IV. 266 activities were developed during the sessions. They were divided in 25 types. The expression phases were materialized on the products of the therapeutic activities. CONCLUSION: The expression phases are materialized on the activities which are determined by the individual evolution process of the disease.. This study permitted a better guidance on the material selection of the activities, but not a therapeutic procedure on the selection of the activities. DE *Adaptation, Psychological Adolescence Adult Brazil Child Child, Preschool Defense Mechanisms *Developing Countries Female Human HIV Seropositivity/PSYCHOLOGY/*REHABILITATION/TRANSMISSION Male Middle Age *Occupational Therapy/PSYCHOLOGY *Sick Role MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).